Tucson Strip Club Closes due to Covid Violations

Strip Club
Published on Sep 11, 2020

In yet another set back for Arizona with Covid 19, Curves Cabaret has been shut down by Covid-19. In news reported by Channel 9, KGUN in Tuscon Arizona, the club was closed due to alleged violations from the health department. Unfortunately it's the reality that Covid 19 is keeping Strip Clubs closed across America and the world.  Covid 19 regulations in Tuscon have required business to be at 50% capacity. As the news was reported, Curves Cabaret is only temporarily closed and will be re-opened when given the green light by the local authorities.

In times like these when Strip Clubs will return to their glory days before Covid struck. On behalf of Naughty America we look forward daily lap dances during lunch hour, after work and maybe even post dinner. In the meantime, you can always visit Naughty America's Strip Club. It's open 24/7, everyday of the year, Covid free, no restrictions, you can get as close as you like.  Everyday we offer a free dance with entrance for a teaser and then you can return in 24 hours for more. Or, grab a membership and visit us as much as you like. 

...This story is developing and when the club re-opens we will let you know.